Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Shaking Our World Project. Critical Thinking Question

                                                    Critical Thinking Question 
                             Plate tectonics is the theory that the outer rigid layer of the earth (the lithosphere) is divided into a couple of dozen "plates" that move around across the earth's surface relative to each other. Also these sections of crust or called plates.Convection currents is include with the plate tectonics. I agree with theory of plate tectonics because scientists prove it's right and all natural disaster occur because of the movement of the earth crust. Plate tectonics is two kind, oceanic plate and continental plate. A oceanic plate made up of rocks and minerals under the (OCEAN) , A continental plate made up of rocks and minerals (LAND).
                         Convection currents has one evidence that scientist use to  prove the movement of earth. Convection currents occur in the mantle part of earth. Also the earth has four layer. The outsider layer is called crust And four layer are 1. Inner core is solid layer part and is center of the earth inside the earth. The inner core is hottest of the earth and is made mixture iron. 2. Outer core are liquid layer part of the earth liquid mantle lava made up of nickel iron. 3. Mantle is part of melted rock like magma. 4. Asthenosphere it's part of the mantle rock. Convection currents plate moves per year slowly. Hot spot prove movement of earth, Hot spot is happen could be any where. For example, middle in the oceanic happen lava and is created volcanic mountain. 
                         Plate boundary prove movement of the earth and plate boundary are three kind .1 Convergent boundary is when two plate comes together and it's created mountain which means when oceanic goes down and continental go up. 2. Divergent boundary are plate moves opposite side and is created new crust 3. Transform boundary is when two plate slide part past each other and is created Earthquake. So plate boundary prove that movement of the earth. for example plate movement occur japan attack by earthquake.
                       Also Faults is prove movement of earth and faults is break on the earth it's three kind 1. Normal faults 2. Reverse fault 3. Strike-slip fault. A normal faults rock move down. Reverse faults rocks move up word. Strike-slip faults rocks moves move different place.
                      scientist proves that earth's plate always move and the plate move slowly, it moves every year 3 inches. And I believe that plate movement of the earth cause earthquake. because scientist prove that when two plate past each other is occur earthquake. Also is destroyed our environment.